i planned a field trip to neo park for my first graders for thursday. made it an easy week with kite day the day before :)
i had two moms and a dad help chaperone.. the kids were so excited in the morning! we headed up to nago right after school started so we could get there right after it opened.
on our way...

neo park is kind of a mix between a zoo and wildlife safari. right when you walk in there are birds EVERYWHERE hanging out and walking up to you hoping for food (you can buy bags of food to feed them).. of course my girls start screaming at the top of their lungs and they didn't want to go any further haha. i had to teach them to swat their hands at them and yell shoo.. calmed them down a little bit :)

the open bird area was a fairly long trail.. lots of screaming AND grabbing my arms haha.. next was the flamingo area.. LOVE the pretty pink!! the girls ran through this area too.. i think they were getting impatient that i was taking so many pictures in an area they didn't want to be in! at least no one got snapped at!!

group picture by the pond

on our way to the next area i saw monkeys hanging out OUTSIDE the net.. glad they didn't throw poo at us!! :) i heard the monkeys like to do that at the other zoo closer to home.. and it goes through the cage.. ick.

the kids' favorite part by far was the little petting zoo that had puppies, guinea pigs, turtles, and rabbits. two of the puppies were humping the whole time and my kids kept saying, "look they're fighting!" hahaha.

you have to click on this picture to enlarge it.. the guinea pig's face is priceless!!

the piggy wanted some attention from the guy in charge of the petting zoo

before the lunch break, there was a cage with nothing it.. karen's mom and i were laughing at how serious they were to find something :)

lunch break!

from one place to the next, we could always see peacocks.. they were everywhere!!

next stop were the pigs.. the guy said they actually weren't pigs, but they look enough like pigs for me to call them pigs haha. the kids found out that the "pigs" liked flowers, so they kept picking weeds and plants to feed them

probably their second favorite area of the park was the "research center for international species conservation." you walk through a little building and you can buy fish food to feed these HUMONGOUS fish.. i have no idea what kind they were! but the kids really wanted to feed them, so i paid for them to get some fish food. those fish went crazy and the kids LOVED it!

the monkeys in the middle of the pond of giant fish

looking through all the cages..

a VERY loud bird

such a cute owl! the kids said he was shy because he wouldn't look at the camera for me :)

i think he wants out


the kids called him grandpa.. he does kind of look like he has papa's hair :)

giant hamsters!!

walking along the trail

i assigned each student a partner and ayana was mine since there is an odd number of students. they were all tired by this point (lots of walking in the sunshine!) and ayana told me i should give her a piggy back ride because "we are partners and partners are supposed to help each other out." she was so cute, i couldn't say no :)

we went back to the petting zoo area to sit on the giant turtle.. he was so cute!

karen's mom with monica and moe

leo feeding the goat

the two dogs were still lovin' on each other

our last stop was a train ride around the park. on the way there...

ready to leave the station!

during the train ride we went to "llama hill" to see all the llamas.. the tour was in japanese so noa and ayana would periodically tell me things that were being said. during the llama visit all the kids start going "awwwww" in a very sad tone.. apparantely the recording said that during the winter when the cold breeze comes, all the llamas die!! poor llamas!! at the pony part during the speaking leo looked at me with his mouth hanging open in astonishment.. the pony was named leo too haha. the train ride was a lot of fun and the kids REALLY liked it :)
last group picture before leaving neo park!

on the way home i rode in karen's mom's van. she put up all the seats in the back for the girls to play. they had WAAAY too much fun!!

it was a really fun field trip and the kids enjoyed it a lot. on friday i had the students write about their experience at neo park.. VERY entertaining stories :)
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