Sunday, October 12, 2008

gotta love free stuff

friday night the girls and i went to sauce, a jazz restaurant, for dinner. the seating consisted of leather couches and chairs.. very comfortable! the lights were dimmed and candles were lit on every table.. add that to the smooth jazz playing and it's easy to tell that it was a very relaxing dinner :) we were the only ones there for a while, so the waitress gave me free coleslaw (by the by... not coleslaw.. more like cabbage with caesar dressing) and we got chicken wings on the house! my lips were burning after eating them but they were really tasty!
we then went on a little adventure trying to find western world, a line dancing club. it took us a while to get there haha but it's okay because i finally saw a statue of godzilla!! he was on top of a building holding a marquee.. i'm sure i'll see more godzillas in tokyo :) all that i can really say about western world is that it makes me appreciate montana's (a line dancing club in california) so much more!!! :) western world was a little ghetto and there were definitely some very special people there haha.
yesterday i relaxed at the beach for a couple hours. the ocean felt really good and i'm still in awe of its gorgeous color... i already know i'm going to miss it when i come back to the states :) right before i left i was fortunate to see a man wearing a thong.. running to the ocean. a speedo is bad enough BUT A THONG?! i know you all probably wanted to see a picture but i didn't take one.. sorry! ;)

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