Saturday, February 14, 2009

friday was family fun day (kind of like a field day) at an athletic park. we kicked off the event with the preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten classes doing dances and cheers. they were super cute.then we were split up to start our activities. there were four stations with each station having two or three activities for the two groups to compete in. alison and i had three activities. the first one was "beetle bug." one student is on all fours, while the other one sits on top of the partner and only puts his/her hands on the floor. then they all race to the finish line. it was so funny to watch!!jed and christian.. brother team!the second activity was a spoon relay. we used cotton balls and hard-boiled eggsthey thought the eggs were raw, so they were VERY careful hahathe last activity we had was a t-shirt relay. one student is wearing an oversized t-shirt, locks hands with the teammate behind him/her, then another teammate (or teammates) help pull the shirt over the head.. through the arms.. and over the other teammates head. then the process starts over again until the whole team does it. it was a fun one!after the lunch break (some of the ladies and i went to taco bell.. yum!), everyone met up together to race in a game called "caterpillar"monica resting..then it was time for tug-of-war!! definitely not as traumatizing as naha's tug-of-war! :) first up was yamauchi campus (preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten) students vs the teachersthe teachers put up a good fight.. but lostnext was yagiburu campus' (1st - 12th grade) turn! we also lost haha.. i guess it's a tradition for us to lose :)

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