Friday, August 22, 2008

some pictures...

my apartment isn't completely finished (i need to put pictures on the wall), but some people have been asking to see what it looks like, so here you go!!! and there is a picture of my car! it's my guppy :)
i'm so close to being done with my classroom.. so sometime next week i'll put up pictures!
love you all!!!

my front door/kitchen/shoe shelves

my cute lil refrigerator!

my washing machine (in japanese.. that was fun haha)

my bed (with a lot of storage underneath!)

since there isn't a dryer i have to hang my clothes.

part of my living room

other part


so funny story.. sometimes it gets so humid here that my camera fogs up! it is just so convenient haha


Unknown said...

awww its so cute...ur bed looks really u have to do ur bunny jump to get on it haha!!!

rayman said...

I love Guppy Rach, I would be happy if the wind would blow the NY shirt off the line. That apartment is so cool, I'm so proud of you

Katie Shelton said...

I'm glad you are having such a wonderful time. Are those the magnets I made you on your refrigerator? :) I love you Rachel!!Katie

The Thalman Family said...

Ohhh How nice your little place! Love the little bed! Keep posting we love reading about it!
Mindy THalman

Unknown said...

That's a pretty sweet place sis! Ha Ha love the car, can't wait to ride around with ya!
